The Beach House
Bainbridge Island, Washington
Energy Use Intensity Score (EUI): __ kBTUH/sq. ft./yr. Coming soon.
Site: A small light filled lot on a sandspit with views of Puget Sound on three sides of the home, Mt Rainer to the southeast and Mt Baker to the northeast.
Program: 1200 sq. ft. carriage house and carport. The program includes two bedrooms, bath, small great room, two car garage, and bike storage.
Sustainable Solutions: The design concept embraced the notion “Build Small and Live Large.” The living space is approached through the two vehicle carport from the west to an exterior stair on the south. The small great room and guest bedroom feature Juliette balconies with views toward the lagoon and Mt Rainier. The master bedroom captures views of Puget Sound and Mt Baker.
The carport features flood resilient materials (marine grade paneling and rot resistant framing) to mitigate flooding impacts and a continuous pour concrete waffle slab to mitigate liquefaction soils. The carriage house is designed with Passive House energy modeling and construction strategies including rockwool super insulation, minimal thermal bridging, state-of-the-art air sealing with Prosoco weather resistive barrier system, rain screen system, on-demand hot water and back-up convection heating.
Experience: A project of Kriegh Architecture Studios | Design + Research.
Date: 2016, Hammer and Hand