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Carbon Leadership Forum Webinar on Biogenic Materials

Dr. Julie Kriegh to participate in Webinar on biogenic materials.

In this June 18th , 2021 Webinar, sponsored by the UW Carbon Leadership Forum, the focus will be on current and future applications of biogenic materials in construction from three inspiring speakers.

Dr. Wil Srubar. Wil is an associate professor of architectural engineering at the University of Colorado Boulder, where he leads the Living Materials Laboratory. He received his PhD from Stanford University in 2013. His research aims to create — and grow — carbon-storing material technologies for the built environment. His work has been highlighted by The New York Times, NPR, and The Washington Post. Dr. Srubar is also a co-founder of Aureus Earth, a carbon offset marketplace for building projects, and Prometheus Materials, a construction biotechnology startup. 

Chris Magwood. Since 2011, Chris has been a director and teacher at The Endeavour  Centre, a not-for-profit sustainable building school in Peterborough,  Ontario. In 2019, he helped to establish Builders for Climate Action, and has  been leading development of the BEAM carbon estimator tool for low rise construction. He is working closely with many levels of  government to develop embodied carbon benchmarks and regulatory  programs, and helping developers and builders figure out how to  reverse climate change with their buildings. Chris has authored seven books on sustainable building and is co-editor of the Sustainable Building Essentials series from New Society Publishers. His new book, Building Beyond Zero: New Ideas for  Carbon-Smart Architecture, is co-authored with Bruce King and will be available later this year. 

Dr. Julie Kriegh.  Julie founded Kriegh Architecture Studios in 2000. She has special expertise in sustainable residential projects, multi-family communities, and custom commercial projects. Recognizing that buildings are a key solution to the climate challenge, Dr. Kriegh researches and designs solutions related to the built environment with a focus on energy efficient buildings (operational carbon), sustainable materials (embodied carbon), and high-performance design and construction methods (prefabricated Passive House). Using her design and research knowledge, Julie is also a sustainability consultant on a municipal library, a project manager with the UW Carbon Leadership, and a UW CBE studio instructor. Dr. Kriegh received two AIA Upjohn awards and an EDRA CORE Award for her doctoral work understanding the key values underpinning pro-environmental behavior in the built environment.